Miniature African Violets
African Violets are very popular for indoor plantings and are well suited for indoor gardens and terrariums. Violets are able to survive well indoors but need reasonable light, they are excellent for terrarium use. They are fast growing so will require regular cutting back and can be to kept small and compact for long periods; they will also do very well in small pots.
Water well if kept in pots but sparingly in terrariums, potting mix must be allowed to almost dry between watering's. Keep in some direct sunlight or provide artificial light. Avoid heaters and drafty positions. Fertilizer should be only used if you would like the plant to grow. Lack of fertilizer will keep plants shorter and more compact. Temperatures above 20c will speed up growth, between 15 and 20c growth will be extremely slow and plants can be pruned to keep compact. Periods below 12c may cause leaves to rot; dead leaves must be removed to prevent damage to healthy growth or the base. Keep warm and on the dry side in winter.