Nasturtium Tropaeolum x majus
A delighttul old-world plant with bright colourtul tlowers that is an attractive garden plant and a colotrful addition to salads.
Flavours/Food Partners:
Partners well with salad vegetables and other edible flowers.
Add flowers to salads, vinaigrettes, salad oils, pasta and use as a garnish. The leaves can also be_used in salads. Both have a spicy watercress type flavour and are high in vitamin C.
Planting: Plant in a sunny position in well drained, limy soil. Also suited to large pots and window boxes. It is a self-seeding annual.
Harvest the flowers and leaves as you need them. The more you harvest the better it produces and the more compact it stays.
Position: full sun
H: 35CM
W: 75CM