3 different Tomatoes in the one punnet
Sweet Bite is an extra sweet cherry type tomato, that produces multiple bunched clusters of fruit .It is a tall staking variety that produces fruit over an extended period.
Apollo (improved) .................HYBRID VIGOURAn early season tomato, producing high yields of round, tasty, medium to large fruit over a long period, makes Apollo Improved a popular hybrid variety for the home gardener.Indeterminate Requires stakingHeight 2m Plant 50cm apart
Cherokee Purple .........................HEIRLOOMThe fruit is so dark, they call it -black-. Big fruit with a big, complex and rich flavour. Reputed to have been a gift from Cherokee Indians in the USA in the late 1800-s. Late maturing.IndeterminateRequires stakingHeight 2.5mPlant 50cm apart