Gala' Apple
A delicious, round apple with an excellent sweet flavour and firm, crisp juicy flesh. Highly enjoyable when eaten fresh. Early-to-mid season maturity.
Early to mid-season. Late February to early March.
'Naga Fu No. 2' Red Fuji Apple
A delicious delicate flavour that is very sweet and aromatic. Best flavour when left to hang on the tree. Stores well. A good choice for the home orchard because of its resistance to apple scab (black spot). Mid- to late season maturity
Mid- to late season.
Pink Lady- cv.'Cripp's Pink' Apple
Attractive, good quality eating apple with bright pink to scarlet skin colour. Greenish-white flesh is crisp and juicy with a sprightly flavour. Precocious, regular bearer of medium-sized, round-conical to conical fruit. Used for fresh eating and cooking
Late season.
All 3 varieties grafted onto the one tree