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Chervil (French Parsley)
Hardy annuals, biennials, and perennials make fish, especially in French cuisine. up this genus of 12 species native to Europe, It is an essential ingredient ofHAsia, and northern Africa. They are upright ravigote sauces. The delicate anise flavour does not plants that resemble parsley in appearance. A. with stand drying or prolonged cooking; chervil is cerefolium native to Europe and western Asia, is one therefore usually added just before serving. It is also of the best herbs for containers in a cool, shady used raw in salads and as a garnish, in sprigs or finely position; it combines well with other shade-loving chopped.culinary herbs, such as pineapple mint and golden Medicinallemon balm.
Internally used for fluid retention, rheumatism and eczema.
Externally for inflamed eyelids and Anthriscus cerefolium is an aromatic biennial often hemorrhoids. grown as an annual, with hollow, furrowed stems and bright green, divided leaves.

Umbels of tiny white flowers are borne in the axils in early summer, Ornamental. Rich, light, moisture-retentive soil in followed by tiny narrow fruits.partial shade. Propagate by seed sown at intervals ofthree to four weeks from early spring to early autumn.
For a winter crop in cold areas, chervil may be grown Leavesunder cover. It bolts in high temperatures and dry sunny positions.