Lawn Seed Repair Blend 1kg


Lawn Seed Repair Blend 1kg

1 in stock

SKU: 9317290086111 Categories: , Tag:

Ideal for home lawns, where patching, repairing or oversowing an existing lawn is required.
Perennial Ryegrass will establish rapidly and gives the turf superior wear resistance.
Contains fine textured cool season grasses for year round colour.
Will grow in full sun and medium shade conditions.
Hardwearing and remains green all year round

29% Perennial Ryegrass
21% Annual Ryegrass
5% Fine Fescue
5% Couchgrass
21% Kentucky Bluegrass
20% Bentgrass
100g Starter Fertilser
Contains starter fertiliser for establishment
1kg oversows 70m2

Additional information

Weight 1.2 kg
Dimensions 17.5 × 7.5 × 26 cm